
Our most shared books, podcasts, talks, and articles on all things mental health.

Feel free to email us and suggest more for the list. We love a community book club 🤓

All Around Good Things

Know My Name, Chanel Miller

We think this book should be required reading for all therapists (and, if we’re being honest, all humans). It tells the day-to-day experience of a sexual assault victim in a way that no other book has done before. If you have to choose one book from this list, pick this. And read slowly, as the author likes to say, that’s a good sign you’re taking care of yourself.

Anam Cara, John O’Donohue

A beautiful book of poetry/prose/essays that speaks to the beauty of nature. We like to think of John O’Donohue as one of our “North Stars,” a guiding voice on nature, love, and beauty.

Untamed, Glennon Doyle

This is a great intro to feminism, love, and social justice. It’s a great place to start if you are getting started on your journey with feminism or want more insight into the modern-day experience of the adult woman.

Americanah, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

A novel that does a great job of giving insight into the experience of a Black immigrant in the United States. Lots to discuss, perfect for a book club!

How To Change Your Mind, Michael Pollen

If you’re considering exploring plant medicine, Michael Pollen does an excellent job explaining the history and science behind many of today’s psychedelics. He also helps debunk the fear of “losing your mind” while on psychedelics and advocates for a different approach other than the War on Drugs.

Tuned in Parenting, Rooted Rhythm™ Parenting

An amazing resource for parents and therapists wanting to better support kiddos of all ages. Set up specifically for supporting the highly sensitive child (but ideal for all); this online course is a step-by-step guide to better understanding your child’s nervous system and, thus, your own. We 10/10 recommend it!


Tara Brach Podcast, Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness - The Power of Self-Nurturing

Tara Brach’s podcast is the most shared resource in our therapy practice. Her lens on mindfulness, life, and justice informs much of our work at Third Nature Therapy (she’s another “North Star”). All of the episodes are great, but this one, in particular, speaks to a trauma-informed approach to counseling and gives a great overview of trauma work in the therapy room.

Practicing Peace in Times of War, Pema Chödrön

A great read for anyone going through a difficult time. Pema Chödrön’s words are always quick to soothe the soul and offer guidance toward a steady, gentle approach.

The Wise Heart, Jack Kornfield

This was one of the first mindfulness books Julie ever read, and now it’s her go-to recommendation when someone is interested in learning more about mindfulness and meditation. Jack Kornfield’s writing is relatable and applicable to modern times. A perfect bedtime read!

The Wisdom of No Escape, Pema Chödrön

Another great read for anyone going through a difficult time. When in doubt, choose Pema.

Wherever You Go There You Are, Jon Kabat-Zin

This was Julie’s first mindfulness book when she was in high school. Meant to be read over an afternoon with tea or many months letting the words sink in, Jon Kabat-Zin is a true zen master and the go-to teacher for anyone interested in learning more about living a mindful life.

Trauma & Healing

The Body Keeps The Score, Bessel van der Kolk

This is the leading book on trauma, the body, and the brain. If you are interested in learning more about what a “trauma-informed appro“ this is a good place to start…but it’s dense! Try starting with the audiobook and take your time. No rush; integrating this stuff takes time.

What Happened To You, Bruce Perry & Oprah Winfrey

This book covers similar topics as The Body Keeps The Score but does so in a much more digestible way. It’s written in conversation style and is great to listen to on audiobook. Perfect for partners, parents, and teachers wanting to have more compassion and understanding for those that have experienced trauma.

The Body Is Not An Apology, Sonya Renee Taylor

A truly radical book that asks readers to take back their bodily autonomy and regain control of their health. Perfect for anyone struggling with body image issues or disordered eating.

Gabor Mate, The Myth of Normal, Tim Ferris Show

A raw and honest conversation of healing, trauma, and psychedelic. For anyone interested in learning more about healing through plant medicine, this is a great place to start.

This Conversation Will Change How You Think About Trauma, Bessel van der Kolk & Ezra Klein

This podcast episode is a good overview of different therapeutic interventions for trauma treatment. Start here if you want a taste of van de Kolk’s perspective on trauma and recovery.


Girls & Sex, Peggy Orenstein

A true gem and thought leader in adolescent sexual development, Peggy Orenstein tells all in this book. If you want to have more compassion for your younger teenage self or better understand the current sexual landscape of teenage girls, this book’s for you.

Boys & Sex, Peggy Orenstein

This book takes a similar approach to Orenstein’s hit book, Girls & Sex and looks at the sex lives of high school and college-aged boys. It’s an important read for anyone doing a deep dive into their sexual history, or parents wanting to take a sex-positive approach with their teens,

Come As You Are, Emily Nagoski

A must-read for those wanting a better understanding of female sexuality. If you take anything away from this book, it’s that YOU ARE TOTALLY NORMAL!

Recovery & Substance Abuse

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts, Gabor Mate

The leading book (in our opinion!) on a trauma-informed approach to addiction. It’s a great read for therapists and people struggling with substance abuse; just skip the first ~3 chapters as they are. a bit overly graphic and unnecessary (again, in our opinion!). We LOVE all things Gabor Mate over here.

One Breath at a Time, Buddhism and the Twelve Steps, Kevin Griffin

A Buddhist approach to the Twelve Steps, this book is great for anyone that doesn’t jive with AA’s version of “God” and is looking for a different take on recovery.

Relationships & Attachment

Mating in Captivity, Esther Perel

*Queen* Esther Perel. A revolutionary look at modern-day relationships. Recommended reading for all couples, singles, humans. There are endless topics to discuss, so grab a friend…or a lover 😉… and start reading!

Attached, Amir Levine & Rachell Heller

An approachable first read to learn more about Attachment theory. You’ll learn all about the three main attachment styles, Secure, Insecure, and Avoidant, and how to spot these patterns in your relationships.

Calling in the One, Katherine Woodward Thomas

Another top contender for the most recommended resource at Third Nature Therapy, this book is a gem. Okay, one caveat. The name is terrible and really does put people off. We get it. But the whole beauty of the book is “the one” is YOU. And you get to learn how to call in a better relationship with yourself, now and for forever 🥰. We’re obsessed.