How to Prepare for Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

A Comprehensive Guide to Ketamine Therapy

Photo of two hands touching

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is an innovative treatment that combines the rapid-acting effects of ketamine with the therapeutic benefits of therapy. This cutting-edge treatment allows you to feel relief from trauma, depression, and anxiety quicker than traditional talk therapy. 

Preparation and integration are key to a successful KAP journey.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to prepare for ketamine-assisted therapy to ensure you’re fully prepared for your ketamine therapy sessions.

Understanding Ketamine Therapy Sessions

What is Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy?

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is a cutting-edge approach that integrates ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic, with traditional psychotherapy. This treatment aims to address mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD by leveraging ketamine’s rapid therapeutic effects alongside the benefits of talk therapy.

Ketamine is generally safe because it causes fewer heart and breathing issues than other anesthetics. The amount used in Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is much smaller than that used in hospitals, and it is typically taken by placing the medicine under the tongue.

Unlike an IV clinic, you will never be alone while on the medicine. If hard material arises, you’ll be able to work through it with a safe, trained therapist you trust.

Benefits of Ketamine Therapy Sessions

KAP offers several advantages, including rapid relief from symptoms, especially in cases where other treatments have been ineffective. Ketamine’s unique action on brain chemistry can provide profound insights and breakthroughs that facilitate deeper therapeutic work.

Depending on the therapist’s style, you might receive a psycholytic dose, which is low enough to talk and continue with therapy while on the medicine. A psycholytic dose allows your defenses to come down, moving toward your trauma and history in a way that feels safer and more contained than traditional talk therapy.

Some people also experience somatic (bodily) releases from the experience of Ketamine. Everyone absorbs Ketamine differently, and you will talk with your therapist about the potential benefits in your preparation sessions. 

How to Prepare for Ketamine-Assisted Therapy

How Ketamine Therapy Works

During a KAP session, ketamine induces an altered state of consciousness that can help you explore and process your thoughts and emotions more deeply, while psychotherapy helps integrate these experiences.

You will most likely take sublingual Ketamine with your therapist. This involves dissolving the medicine in your mouth for 10-20 minutes. Then, you’ll have a guided (or inward) experience while on the medicine.

Most therapy sessions are scheduled for three hours, with preparation and grounding to start, medicine work, and then integration. 

Pre-Session Preparation

Before your medicine journey, you will most likely participate in the following with your KAP therapist:

  • An intake session lasting 50 minutes - 90 minutes

  • 2-3 preparation sessions lasting 50 - 60 minutes each

During the intake session, you will discuss your history, goals, and experience with psychedelics. No prior experience is necessary to participate in KAP. 

Following the intake, you’ll complete 2-3 preparation sessions to help you prepare for your journey. During preparation, you’ll learn about intention setting and ways to prepare for the day of the journey.

Being mentally and emotionally prepared for KAP is key to a successful session. Work with your therapist to practice relaxation techniques such as mindfulness or deep breathing exercises to manage any anxiety or nervousness you might feel. Entering the session with a calm and open mindset will help you fully engage with the therapeutic process.

You’ll also schedule a medical intake session with a prescriber as your KAP therapist is not a licensed medical provider. Your KAP therapist will connect you to a prescriber, you do not need to do this research on your own.

During this evaluation, a doctor will assess your medical readiness for Ketamine treatment and write a prescription for the medication. This is legal, safe, and regulated.

You’ll receive the medication and bring it to your scheduled appointment with the therapist.

Intention Setting for Your Journey

The goal of intention setting is not to “fix” or “get rid of” anything. Instead, intentions are meant to be supportive parts of the healing journey and should be focused on exploring integration into wholeness.

Try getting quiet and turning inwards, and then journal on the following questions:

  • Guide Me…

  • Teach Me…

  • Show Me…

Preparing for the Day of Ketamine Therapy Session


  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before treatment and after.

  • Try to avoid harsh news, conversations, and environments leading up to your session.

  • Be intentional about your environment before coming into your session.

  • Get a good night’s rest the day before.

What to Expect During the Session

KAP sessions typically occur in a comfortable and supportive environment. Your therapist will create a setting that fosters relaxation and safety, allowing you to focus on the therapeutic process. Your therapist will most likely provide a playlist for you to listen to as well as eye masks and blankets.

How to Prepare for the Day of your Ketamine Therapy Session

Make sure you have the following items checked off before you go into your ketamine session.


  • Make sure you have a ride home

  • Clean your space so you can reenter a nice environment

  • Clear your calendar after the session of work and “chores” (ideally for 24 hours)

  • Remember your intentions

  • Eat a light snack 2 hours before the session

  • Try to refrain from consuming caffeine if possible

  • If you are going to an infusion clinic, make sure to have a playlist ready

    • Music is a big part of the Ketamine journey, and playlists are designed to move with the pace of the medicine. Make sure to pick a playlist that matches your mode of ingestion (i.e., SL = sublingual, IM = intramuscular).

    • You can search on Spotify for KAP playlists, Prati is a good place to start.

    • Turn off shuffle and make sure there are no commercials!


  • Wear comfortable clothing so you can fully relax

  • Socks

  • Small comfort objects like a photograph of loved ones, a rock, a stuffed animal

  • Water bottle

  • Eyeshades (if needed)

  • Sunglasses as you might be sensitive to light post-treatment

  • Comfortable pillow if needed

  • Headphones

  • Journal

  • Ketamine prescription

  • Zofran prescription if using (anti-nausea medication)

*If you’d like a customizable dashboard to keep track of everything needed for your journey, we’ve created one! You can download your free guide on how to prepare for ketamine-assisted therapy here.

How ketamine is administered (e.g., IV, nasal spray).

During KAP treatment, Ketamine can be administered in various ways, including intravenously (IV), sublingual, or via nasal spray. The method will depend on your treatment plan and your medical provider’s prescription. The administration is usually brief, and you will be monitored throughout the process. You’ll prepare for this part of the journey with your therapist. 

At Third Nature Therapy, we use sublingual ketamine at a low dose. 

Therapeutic Process

During the KAP session, ketamine will induce an altered state of consciousness, which can vary from person to person. This state allows for a deeper exploration of your thoughts and emotions. Your therapist will be present to guide you through this process and help you process any insights or experiences.

You might experience sensations such as mild dissociation or altered perceptions of time and space. These effects are normal and temporary. Your therapist will help you understand and integrate these experiences into your ongoing therapy.

Post-Session Care and Integration

Immediate Aftercare

After your KAP session, you may feel disoriented or emotionally intense. This will usually pass within a few hours. It’s important to have a support person and a safe, comfortable space to return to following your session. Allow yourself time to rest and recover from the session.


Begin to integrate your medicine journey, weaving things together across all dimensions of the self.

Focus on: mind, body, emotion, spirit, and relational self.

After the session

On a regular basis, ask yourself, “What is the most loving thing I can do for myself today?

Allow your body to guide you.

Ketamine offers neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to change and adapt as a result of an experience. Following a Ketamine experience, your brain is more “plastic”, which creates new neural pathways. These new pathways help to relieve depression and anxiety.

Create an Integration-Friendly Environment

  1. Take time for yourself: if possible, take time off from school, work, or extracurricular activities.

  2. Avoid harshness: whether in the form of loud noises, scents, or event sights, take a break from things that are jarring.

  3. Engage in soothing practices: take a bath, listen to relaxing music, snuggle with your pet, and drink tea.

  4. Prep your space so you enter into a relaxing environment. Clean up, declutter, and have the space ready for you to reenter without having to do chores.

Plan Activities:

Plan activities that allow you to connect with your mind, body, emotion, spirit, and relational self.

Let go of the perfectionist mindset and allow yourself to be guided towards these options post-session. Brainstorm some potential activities prior to the journey so you don’t have to do any work following the session.

Body: get a massage, practice yoga, garden, meditate, go for walks

Mind: read a book, draw, paint, sculpt, write

Spirit: practice meditations, spend time in nature, start a gratitude practice

Relational Self: spend time with animals and people who feel secure

Reflect on Your Session

Part of the psychedelic healing space is understanding and listening to your own body. We so often forget to advocate for ourselves and listen to the wisdom that our body is telling us. With each medicine session, track how much you took and any experiences that came with it (good and bad). Begin to recognize and build a plan that works specifically for you.

Track the following information*:

  • Date

  • Dosage

  • Experience

  • Playlist

*We have a section in our free prep guide to track all of this in one place! You can download your free guide on how to prepare for ketamine-assisted therapy here.


Take time to reflect on the following questions:

  • What did I feel physically during the session?

  • What did I see during the session? What did I hear?

  • Do I need to talk this through with someone or ask for support?

  • What is one thing that I feel grateful for after this session?

  • How do I feel now after the session?

  • What messages am I continuing to receive from my body and emotions?

  • Which parts of myself did I become more aware of? Did these parts share any messages with me?

  • What do I hope to explore in future sessions?

Common Questions and Concerns about Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Is Ketamine Therapy Safe?

Ketamine therapy is generally safe when administered by a qualified professional. Your therapist will conduct thorough screenings to ensure that KAP is appropriate for you. Adverse effects are rare and usually mild, such as temporary disorientation.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

The number of KAP sessions required varies depending on individual needs and responses to the treatment. Your therapist will develop a personalized plan based on your progress and goals.

Will I Experience Side Effects?

Common side effects of ketamine include temporary dizziness, nausea, or a feeling of disconnection. These effects are usually short-lived. Your therapist will monitor you closely to manage any potential side effects.

Can I Continue Taking My Regular Medications?

Discuss any current medications with your therapist to ensure there are no interactions with ketamine. Some adjustments may be necessary, but your therapist will guide you through any required changes.

Final Tips for a Successful KAP Experience

Prepare Emotionally and Mentally

Approach your KAP sessions with a positive and open mindset. Be prepared to engage deeply with your emotions and experiences and discuss any fears with your therapist as they come up. The best way to have a successful experience is to practice honesty, transparency, and vulnerability throughout. Don’t rush yourself into something you’re not ready for.

Make sure to implement self-care practices post-session to support your recovery and integration. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and well-being.

​​Preparing effectively for Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy can significantly enhance the benefits of your treatment. By understanding the process, making necessary lifestyle adjustments, and working closely with your therapist, you can make the most of your KAP sessions. If you’re considering KAP as a treatment option, contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward transformative healing.

Additional Resources for Your Ketamine Journey

Photo of Julie Goldberg
Julie Goldberg is a licensed therapist and the founder of Third Nature Therapy. Her practice focuses on helping individuals better understand their inner world, befriend their nervous system (instead of working against it), and navigate changing relationships. She offers somatic therapy, EMDR intensives, and Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy in Brooklyn, NY.

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